Inflammation Abatement

Inflammation can be categorized as either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation occurs in response to injuries, such as a cut on a finger, where inflammatory cells aid in the healing process. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is persistent and lacks short-term resolution. It plays a role in degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, among others. Monitoring specific molecules known as "Inflammatory Markers" is crucial for medical professionals and researchers, as these markers are associated with chronic inflammation.

Tocotrienols are effective in reducing chronic inflammation by targeting well-known markers like VEGF, NF-KappaB, STAT-3, IL-1, IL-6, iNOS, ICAM, VCAM, and more. They also serve as immune boosters and anti-aging agents. Chronic inflammation is closely intertwined with cholesterol in Cardiovascular Disease. Clinical trials have shown that Tocotrienols can reduce the Inflammatory Marker C-Reactive Protein (CRP) by up to 40%. Among all Vitamin E molecules, Delta-Tocotrienol exhibits the most significant impact on inflammation.

Research indicates that combining Delta-Tocotrienols with other anti-inflammatory supplements such as B vitamins, Resveratrol, and Quercetin creates a potent combination. Tocotrienols promote "Autophagy," a cellular housekeeping process that eliminates damaged organelles. Moreover, they enhance the immune system and interactively block inflammatory pathways through a steroid-like anti-inflammatory mechanism.
